Trademark Registration

Running your own business but need company status?


Trademarks are the unique identity that makes your company's product or service stand out from the crowd. The trademark registration services can help your business's intellectual or intangible assets to stay protected while creating trust and loyalty among the customers. The registration provides the right to sue people who want to copy your trademark and prevent others from using a similar trademark to the registered one.

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Trademark Registration - The Tax Sahab

Trademark Registration benefits

You need to submit the following documents if you are an employee
  • Intellectual property protection: The best part about trademark registration is that you can protect your intellectual property. The trademark owner requires legal ownership of the trademark, which can be enforced in any court. The owner will gain nationwide possession of the trademark if a trademark is registered.
  • Legal remedies: The trademark owner can recover up to triple damage from the offender if the trademark is registered in India, and the owner would be presumed to be the trademark’s rightful owner. When a trademark is written, the owner gains the ability to see anybody who is misusing the trademark in any court.

Documents required for trademark registration

You need to submit the following documents to register your trademark
  • Incorporation certificate: It includes if the trademark is registered under the company.
  • Partnership deed: You need a partnership deed if the trademark is listed under the partnership company.
  • Pan card
  • Aadhar card
  • Logo: You need to ensure that you don’t upload the logo in black and white to provide all the trademark colors are covered under this registration.
Trademark Registration - The Tax Sahab

Things you can register as your trademark

The Trademark Registration Consultant suggests that several elements of your brand image can be registered as your trademark. The aspect you need to consider is which aspect of your brand stands out to the customers.

Name Trademark Registration - The Tax Sahab


You can register specific names as the product trademark. For example, apple iPod is a product name. You can also trademark your name or surname. For instance, Shahrukh Khan has trademarked his name.

Logo Registration - The Tax Sahab

Logo or symbol

It is recommended that you trademark your logo because it visually represents your brand. Your customers can recollect the logo faster than any name.

Trademark Registration - The Tax Sahab


You can go ahead and trademark your tagline if you have one.

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    Trademark Registration process

    trademark-search - The Tax Sahab


    Experts will thoroughly search the trademark database once you give the information about what you want to trademark in the industry you operate in.

    GST Registration

    Document collection

    During this stage, you must upload your documents and select the appropriate classes for the business. The experts will guide you in choosing the suitable class to cover all the elements of the business.

    LLP Registration

    Trademark application filing

    The trademark application form will be filled out on your behalf and submitted along with the documents.

    GST Registration

    Trademark objection

    In extreme cases, experts might have some questions about your application. It will be sent to you as a trademark objection notice, and you need to respond to it in just 30 days.

    LLP Registration

    Trademark opposition

    There might be a chance that the 3rd party is opposing your application. You need to register a counter statement to the registrar in 2 months stating that the opposition is not valid.



    Who needs trademark registration?

    Any device name-label numerals or a combination of colors that can be represented graphically must be registered as a trademark.

    Which trademarks cannot be registered?

    Any mark that is identical or similar to the existing registered trademark or any TM for which the application has been made cannot be registered. Furthermore, effects that would likely cause deception, confusion, or offensiveness might not be registered.

    Is a trademark registration valid globally?

    No trademark registered in India is valid only in India and not in different parts of the world.